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Welcome to the home of National Parental Involvement Day & Public School Volunteer Week!

Learning Compact
AS A PARENT, GRANDPARENT, OR CARING ADULTtm I hereby give my pledge of commitment to help our community’s children achieve a truly independent future. My declaration of responsibility and commitment to my public schools is stated in these five self-evident truths:
As Americans, we are the owners of the public school system.
As owners, we bear a responsibility to participate in the system.
Accountability for our public schools, their safety, and its employees and its funding rests with us and the rest of the system’s owners.
Our children’s future depends on the improvement of the public schools.
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Title I Learning Compact Section 1116, (d) Shared Responsibilities For High Student Academic Achievement

And this improvement depends on our participation.
THEREFORE AS A PARENT,GRANDPARENT, OR CARING ADULT, I take personal responsibility for my child’s safety and education and the safety and education of the children in this community.
I pledge to volunteer a minimum of five hours of my time to my public schools each semester.
I pledge to spend a minimum of fifteen minutes each school night reading with my child or we will work together on homework and enrichment activities.
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