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Family Engagement Toolbox

Take the first step towards building strong, lasting relationships with all families!

Family Engagement Toolbox

Transform Your School Community with the Family Engagement Toolbox

Unlock the full potential of family engagement with the Family Engagement Toolbox—a comprehensive, evidence-based solution designed to empower schools, educators, and parent liaisons. This all-in-one resource equips you with the proven tools and strategies needed to create a welcoming, inclusive environment where every family can thrive and support student success. Here's what’s Inside the Toolbox:

Project Appleseed's Six Slices of Family Engagement
Parental Enghagement Report Card
Parent Engagement Report Card
Project Appleseed Strategies for Engaging Families
Project Appleseed Traveling Workshop on Family Engagement
Family Engagement Toolbox

Join Our Game!

Red Carpet Treatment

​1. The Parent Engagement Pledge & Report Card

Slice 3: Support Student Success
Build a culture of shared responsibility with a custom-branded Parent Engagement Pledge and Report Card - for distribution to all families. These tools help you set clear expectations, track progress, and foster accountability among families, teachers, and administrators—all aligned with district, state, and Title I ESSA mandates. (Samples: Pledge, Report Card, Certificates). 

​​​​2. Parent Activity Guide & Strategies for Engaging Families

Slice 6: Collaborate with the Community
Discover over 100 innovative ideas for school-based activities that build lasting partnerships between families and schools. From celebrating National Parental Involvement Day and Public School Volunteer Week to implementing 150 Days of Family Engagement, this guide is your roadmap to creating vibrant, supportive school communities.


3. Reimagine Family Engagement PowerPoint
Slice 3: Support Student Success

Inspire your staff and community with this dynamic presentation that highlights the critical role of parental involvement. Learn how to drive improved academic, social, and health outcomes through effective engagement strategies and plan actionable steps to transform your school’s approach to family involvement.

4. The Family Engagement Game
Slices 1 & 5: Welcome All Families and Share Power

Make engagement fun and interactive with our Family Engagement Game. Available in both print and digital formats, this tool brings together families, educators, and community stakeholders to collaboratively tackle common engagement challenges and co-create innovative solutions.

5. The Red Carpet Treatment
Slice 1: Welcome All Families

Redefine what it means to welcome families into your school with the Red Carpet Treatment. This walk-through process offers a holistic assessment of your school’s environment—from physical spaces to communication practices—ensuring that every family feels like an integral part of your community.

Enhance Your Professional Development

Complement your engagement efforts with our targeted professional development opportunities. Choose from Basic and Multi-Year Planning Traveling Workshops on Family Engagement or Family Engagement Toolbox Training to ensure that your staff is equipped with the skills to implement these strategies effectively.


Flexible Ordering Options

When you order the Family Engagement Toolbox, choose from lifetime or annual reproduction rights. You’ll receive master copies of all documents in Adobe PDF format—ready for unlimited duplication and distribution. Place your order any time of the year and receive your resources within one week.


Take the First Step Today

Empower your school with the Family Engagement Toolbox and start building strong, lasting relationships with families. Order now to transform your family engagement efforts and make a powerful, positive impact on student outcomes.


Order Now! Create a Quote. Create an Invoice.

Make family engagement the cornerstone of your school’s success with the Family Engagement Toolbox from Project Appleseed.

Buy Now! Create a Quote. Create an Invoice.


Project Appleseed Parental Involvement


the Family

Engagement Toolbox!

Pledge families, Engage communities, Sustain success!


​Join Education's
Oldest Family Events!

Nov. 18

Nov. 20


Nov. 19


April 21-25
April 20-24
Apr. 19-23
*30th Anniversary Event
Donate Project Appleseed Parental Involvement

Project Appleseed

520 Melville Avenue | St. Louis, MO, 63130-4505

Phone: (314) 292-9760 | Fax: (314) 725-2319 | @pledgeappleseed

Parents Advocating Challenging Education 

IRS 501 (c)(3) Nonprofit Association


© Copyright 2023

All rights reserved and stringently prosecuted. Reproduction, distribution, copying, modeling, imitating, extracting, adapting concepts, or any derivative thereof is strictly prohibited. Project Appleseed, Parental Involvement Pledge, Parent Engagement Pledge, Parental Involvement Report Card, Parent Engagement Report Card are trademarks of Project Appleseed. Unauthorized use is an infringement of copyrights, trademarks, or proprietary rights. National Parental Involvement Day, National Family Engagement Day, Public School Volunteer Week are all unregistered trademarks of Project Appleseed.

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