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#National Parental Involvement Day & #Public School Volunteer Week 

Selected proclamations for our signature events

Ask your superintendent, school board, mayor, city council, state representative or governor to issue a proclamation celebrating Public School Volunteer Week and National Parental Involvement Day. Highlight the value of parental involvement in your schools and let us know about your efforts!

Proclamation By

The Governor of Missouri

WHEREAS, November 18, 2021, has been designated the 28th Annual National Parental Involvement Day by Project Appleseed, the national campaign for public school improvement: and

WHEREAS, During the past three decades, school systems throughout the country have accepted the services of dedicated volunteers to assist educators, and these volunteers have offered their time, encouragement, and meaningful contact with students; and

WHEREAS, Research clearly demonstrates that family and community engagement is a significant factor in the success of schools; and

WHEREAS, By becoming a volunteer, parents, grandparents and community members are providing an invaluable contribution to the education of our students; and

WHEREAS, Volunteers are called upon to assist teachers and staff with the day-to-day activities involved in providing a balanced education for our students and are an important part of a team that strives to ensure that each and every one of our students succeeds; and

MO Proclamation 2021.jpg

WHEREAS, During the school year, countless volunteers are spending innumerable hours serving schools throughout Missouri as chaperones, mentors, after-school tutors, club leaders, booster club members, PTA and PTO members, guest speakers, classroom helpers, athletics coaches, and in countless other ways: and

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Michael L. Parson, Governor of the State of Missouri, do hereby proclaim November 18, 2021, as National Parental Involvement Day in the State of Missouri.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Missouri, in the City of Jefferson, this 25th day of October, 2021.


Michael L. Parsons




Sharon Edwards-Billings, is the brainchild behind ALLPARENTSONDECK, LLC.. Her personal experience as a Child Advocate, with the National Court Appointed Special Advocates program (CASA) and her personal experiences as an “involved” impacted her decision to create ALLPARENTSONDECK, LLC.


Since 2012, Sharon has singlehandedly obtained state recognition for Project Appleseed's National Parental Involvement Day in Wisconsin. Governor Scott Walker, demonstrated that he understands the sacrifices that parents make to remain involved in their student's academic journey. He signed the first proclamation at Sharon’s request, on June 1, 2012, that can potentially increase the levels of parental involvement in Wisconsin schools. “Wisconsin will celebrate for the first time "Parental Involvement Day" and join ten other states who have officially declared the 3rd Thursday in November as "National Parental Involvement Day." We will work with Project Appleseed and continue to post updates about events that schools are planning for parents, as they are made available to us,” says Sharon thru the organization’s web site.



Miami-Dade County, SCHOOL BOARD ENDORSEMENT OF ACTION PROPOSED BY CHAIR PERLA TABARES HANTMAN: That The School Board of Miami-Dade County, Florida, endorse November 19, 2015 as National Parent Involvement Day and its goal of increasing overall student achievement through parent engagement, with year-round encouragement throughout Miami-Dade County Public Schools. 



In honor of Project Appleseed's National Parent Involvement Day, state school Superintendent John Barge sent out this letter to Georgia parents: November is Parent Engagement Month in Georgia and parents play in their children’s education. It is a time for all parents to consider how they can get more involved in the education of their children regardless of the grade level. Today, though, is a special day within the month that I believe most educators are eager to recognize. It’s National Parent Involvement Day. When it comes to parent engagement, the research is clear, when schools, families, and communities support each other, students of all backgrounds and ability levels achieve at higher levels. Project Appleseed engages parent involvement in schools nationwide.

Project Appleseed





Board of Education 


Presented by Trustee Kevin Beiser 

In Recognition of National Parent Involvement Day on  

Thursday, November 15, 2012 


WHEREAS, the San Diego Unified School District and the San Diego Unified Council of PTAs are partnering to implement the first National Parent Involvement Day at district schools; and 


WHEREAS, the San Diego Unified School District and San Diego Unified Council of PTAs both agree that parent engagement focused on supporting the learning process, both at school and at home, is critical to 

increasing overall student achievement; and 


WHEREAS, over thirty years of research indicates that when parents and caregivers are strategically involved in children's learning at school and at home, student achievement significantly improves and schools 

are more effective; and 


WHEREAS, schools will host an event on National Parent Involvement Day, Thursday, November 15, 2012, to honor the powerful contributions that parents and caregivers make to support the success of students and to reinforce awareness of the invaluable role that parents and caregivers play in supporting student learning and public education, and honor their contributions to student success; and 


WHEREAS, in addition to recognizing the role parents and caregivers play as invaluable allies in student success, secondary goals of this event include identifying parent and community volunteers whose efforts will help schools increase parent engagement, building strong partnerships with parent and community linked to student learning, laying the foundation for strategic family engagement, and strengthening the partnership between schools and PTA. 


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the San Diego Unified School District Board of Education, that it recognizes the importance of National Parent Involvement Day and its goal of increasing overall student achievement through parent engagement. 


Adopted and approved by the Board of Education of the San Diego Unified School District at a regular 

meeting held on the 6th day of November 2012. 


Kevin Beiser, Trustee , Richard Barrera, Trustee , Scott Barnett, Vice President , John Lee Evans, President, Shelia Jackson, Trustee 


City of Pitsburgh

510 City-County Buildng, 41 Grant Sret

Pitsburgh, PA 15219


Council Chambers City Council



Darlen Haris, President

Council Members: Revrend Ricky V.Burges, Patrick Dowd, Bruce A.Kraus, R.Daniel 

Lavel, Wilam Peduto, Natlia Rudiak, Douglas Shields, Thersa Smith 

Linda M.Johnson-Wasler, City Clerk, Mary Beth Doheny, Deputy City Clerk


WHEREAS, family and community engagement is a key goal for Pittsburgh Public Schools and critical to the success of its students; and,

WHEREAS, families and communities are an essential part of a student’s Pathway to the Promise, helping students nurture dreams and ambitions to ensure that all students develop the habits and behaviors that lead to success in school and in life; and,


WHEREAS, the 17th Annual National Parental Involvement Day is on Thursday November 18, 2010, and to celebrate the occasion and raise the profile of the importance of family and community involvement, Pittsburgh Public Schools will host a week of events and activities spotlighting the importance of family and community engagement from November 15 to November 20, 2010; and,


WHEREAS, the District’s final Pathways to the Promise Night family event is on November 17 at Pittsburgh Milliones 6-12; and,


WHEREAS, an Excellence for All parents steering committee meeting featuring Superintendent Mark Roosevelt is on November 18 at Pittsburgh Science and Technology Academy; and,


WHEREAS, on November 18 the University of Pittsburgh, Africana Studies Department will host the next Dame-Dame series monthly meeting highlighting an outstanding school educator at the University of Pittsburgh’s Langley Hall; and,


WHEREAS, on November 20 the Hill District Education Council will host its Fall 2010 Education Conference titled “Connecting on Education Justice”;


NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Pittsburgh does hereby commend Pittsburgh Public School’s efforts to foster family and community engagement during the festivities for the 17th Annual National Parental Involvement Day.


Sponsored By Councilman R. Daniel Lavelle, Council President Darlene M. Harris, Theresa Kail-Smith, And Patrick Dowd

Co-Sponsored By Rev. Ricky V. Burgess, Bruce A. Kraus, William Peduto, Natalia Rudiak, And Douglas Shields


Port Angeles School District



WHEREAS, parent and community involvement is a significant factor in the

success of schools; and


WHEREAS, during the past decade, school systems throughout the country have accepted the services of dedicated volunteers to assist professional educators, and these volunteers have offered their time, encouragement, and meaningful contact with students; and


WHEREAS, by becoming a volunteer, parents and community members are providing an invaluable contribution to the education of our students; and


WHEREAS, volunteers are called upon to assist teachers and staff with the day-to-day activities involved in providing a balanced education for our students and are an important part of a team that strives to ensure that each and every one of our students succeeds; and


WHEREAS, during the school year, countless volunteers are spending innumerable hours serving schools in the Port Angeles School District as chaperones, mentors, after-school tutors, club leaders, booster club members, PTA and PTO members, guest speakers, classroom helpers, athletics coaches, and in countless other ways;


NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors does hereby proclaim the week of April 21 through April 25, 2014 as Public School Volunteer Week in the Port Angeles School District, and urges all citizens to join in this observance.


ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of Port Angeles School District No. 121, Clallam County, Washington, at a regular open public meeting of the Board of Directors held this 24th day of April, 2014.

Project Appleseed
Project Appleseed




Resolution #059-14 Approval of Proclamation,

Public School Volunteer Week

Date: April 7, 2014

To: Board of Education

From: Superintendent


Recommendation: It is the administration’s recommendation that the Board of Education approve the following proclamation regarding Public School Volunteer Week, April 21-25, 2014. WHEREAS, Board of Education members, teachers, administrators, employees, and parents value the dedication and commitment provided by our volunteer community; and


WHEREAS, school volunteers exhibit care, model the best in citizenship and create a climate that fosters learning and a love of education;


WHEREAS, school volunteers act dependably, creatively, and collaboratively to accomplish whatever tasks they are assigned or commit themselves to;


WHEREAS, many unsung heroes on Cherry Creek School District committees including; Long Range Facility Planning Committee, Community Asset Project, Parent Information Network, The Cherry Creek Schools Foundation, Legislative Network, Parents’ Council, Gifted and Talented Advisory Council, District Accountability Advisory Committee, Medical Advisory Board, Special Education Advisory Committee, Multicultural Advisory Council, and our Board of Education members, volunteer countless hours in support of success for all students.


WHEREAS, our district benefits greatly from the time and talent given by our volunteers everyday throughout our district, to bring about a brighter future for our students;


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Cherry Creek School District Board of Education hereby proclaims Public School Volunteer Week in Cherry Creek, April 21-25, 2014, in recognizing the dedication and commitment of community volunteers to inspire every student to think, to learn, to achieve, and to care.



Michigan House Resolution No. 88 for Public School Volunteer Week


Whereas, Parent and community involvement is a significant factor in the success of schools; and 


Whereas, During the past decade, school systems throughout the country have accepted the services of dedicated volunteers to assist professional educators, and these volunteers have offered their time, encouragement, and meaningful contact with students; and 


Whereas, By becoming a volunteer, parents and community members are providing an invaluable contribution to the education of our students; and


Whereas, Volunteers are called upon to assist teachers and staff with the day-to-day activities involved in providing a balanced education for our students and are an important part of a team that strives to ensure that each and every one of our students succeeds; and 


Whereas, During the school year, countless volunteers are spending innumerable hours serving schools throughout Michigan as chaperones, mentors, after-school tutors, club leaders, booster club members, PTA and PTO members, guest speakers, classroom helpers, athletics coaches, and in countless other ways;


Now, therefore, be it Resolved by the House of Representatives, That the members of this legislative body declare April 22-26, 2013, as Public School Volunteer Week in the state of Michigan. We urge all citizens to join in this observance. Sponsors Dian Slavens - (primary)David Rutledge, Rashida Tlaib, Sarah Roberts, Tim Greimel, Harold L. Haugh, George T. Darany,David Knezek, Andrew J. Kandrevas, Terry L. Brown, Tom Cochran, Winnie Brinks, Kate Segal, Vicki Barnett, Fred Durhal, Jr., Douglas A. Geiss, Kurt Heise, Marcia Hovey-Wright, Collene Lamonte, Matt Lori, Alberta Tinsley Talabi, Jeff Irwin,Earl Poleski

Project Appleseed
Project Appleseed
Project Appleseed




RESOLUTION No. 261 Session of 2013


Recognizing the week of April 22 through 26, 2013, as

"National Public School Volunteer Week" in Pennsylvania


WHEREAS, "National Public School Volunteer Week" offers the opportunity to recognize and to thank public school volunteers who contribute unselfishly to the success of Pennsylvania's students, teaching and support staff and the goals of public education; and


WHEREAS, Parental and community involvement is a significant factor in the quality of our schools and the success of our students; and


WHEREAS, We appreciate the dedicated volunteers who give their time and talent to assist professional educators and support staff; and


WHEREAS, Volunteers reflect the highest values of our society and become role models for students by demonstrating an interest in education; and


WHEREAS, Volunteers are called upon to assist teachers and staff with the day-to-day activities involved in providing a balanced education for our students and are an important part of a team that strives to ensure that each and every one of our students succeeds; and


WHEREAS, It is fitting to support the goals of this observance, as when parents, schools and communities work together in preparing today's students for tomorrow's world; therefore be it


RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives recognize the week of April 22 through 26, 2013, as "National Public School Volunteer Week" in Pennsylvania.



2013 Proclamation

Public School Volunteer Week


Whereas, parent and community involvement is a significant factor in the quality of our schools and the success of our students; and


Whereas, we appreciate the dedicated volunteers who help teachers, administrators and support staff in countless ways; and


Whereas, volunteers reflect the highest values of our democratic society by representing people of all ages and all walks of life;


Whereas, volunteers reap the rich rewards that come from helping others.


Now, therefore, we do hereby proclaim:


April 22-26 Public School Volunteer Week We encourage everyone to join us in celebrating the vital work of our volunteers. We invite others to join our volunteer team to support our students and staff.

Project Appleseed

Register your school's celebration here with Project Appleseed. You can also request more information with this form:

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Nov. 18

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Nov. 19


April 21-25
April 20-24
Apr. 19-23
*30th Anniversary Event
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Project Appleseed

520 Melville Avenue | St. Louis, MO, 63130-4505

Phone: (314) 292-9760 | Fax: (314) 725-2319 | @pledgeappleseed

Parents Advocating Challenging Education 

IRS 501 (c)(3) Nonprofit Association


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