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A week for America's parents, grandparents and caring adults!

Welcome to Public School Volunteer Week! This is a weeklong celebration honoring the contributions of volunteers in public schools. It was founded in 1997 by Project Appleseed as a way to recognize and celebrate the hard work and dedication of individuals who give their time and resources to support public education. It is celebrated annually during the third full week of April. This year's Public School Volunteer Week.

During Public School Volunteer Week, schools and community organizations across the country host events and activities to recognize and celebrate the contributions of volunteers, promote the importance of volunteering in public education, and encourage more individuals to get involved in their local schools. Celebrate the third full week in the month of April with us! It is an opportunity for schools to showcase the positive impact that volunteers have on student learning and achievement. 

Public School Volunteer Week is a time to recognize and celebrate the invaluable contributions of volunteers in public education. From tutoring and mentoring to chaperoning field trips and assisting in the classroom, volunteers play a crucial role in supporting the success of students and teachers. We encourage schools to join us in celebrating Public School Volunteer Week and the many ways that volunteers contribute to public education.


By participating in Public School Volunteer Week, schools can:

  • Recognize and celebrate the contributions of volunteers: Public School Volunteer Week provides an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the hard work and dedication of volunteers who give their time and resources to support public schools.

  • Promote the importance of community involvement: Public School Volunteer Week helps to raise awareness about the importance of community involvement in education and the positive impact it can have on student achievement.

  • Encourage collaboration and partnership: Public School Volunteer Week provides an opportunity to build strong partnerships between schools, volunteers, and the community and to promote collaboration and teamwork.

  • Promote public education: Public School Volunteer Week is also a chance to showcase the achievements of students and teachers and to promote the value of public education to the broader community.

The Soft Power of Public School Volunteer Week!

In addition to these benefits, Public School Volunteer Week also provides an opportunity for schools to increase family engagement through the use of soft power. Soft power is the ability to influence others through attraction and persuasion, rather than through coercion or force. In the context of education, soft power can be used by schools to increase family engagement by creating positive experiences and building relationships with families. 

Here are some specific ways schools can use soft power to increase family engagement during Public School Volunteer Week:

  1. Promote Public School Volunteer Week through social media, newsletters, and other communication channels to raise awareness and encourage participation.

  2. Host events and activities that engage families in meaningful ways, such as workshops, open houses, and volunteer projects.

  3. Share stories and testimonials from parents and educators about the impact of family engagement on student learning and achievement.

  4. Collaborate with community organizations and local businesses to provide resources and support for families.

  5. Recognize and celebrate the contributions of parents and families through awards, certificates, and other forms of recognition.

By using soft power to create positive experiences and build relationships with families, schools can help build momentum and support for ongoing family engagement efforts. We hope you will join us in celebrating Public School Volunteer Week and in working to promote the vital role that parents play in supporting their children's education and success. 

Planning Timeline

  • 30 days before: Brainstorm event ideas with school leaders, teachers, and parent group leaders. Finalize event plans.

  • 2 weeks before: Assign tasks and recruit volunteers.

  • 1 week before: Prepare final event details.

  • April 21-25, 2025: Celebrate Public School Volunteer Week. Submit event photos and description to Project Appleseed's website. Share event on social media using #PublicSchoolVolunteerWeek.


Suggested Planning Steps

1. Get Ready. Schools are encouraged to host a new event on - or move an existing event to - Public School Volunteer Week, to honor parents. Issue a Proclamation! Ask your superintendent, school board, mayor, city council, state representative or governor to issue a proclamation celebrating Public School Volunteer Week. Highlight the value of parental involvement in your schools and let us know about your efforts! Here are some examples from our previous celebrations below.


2. Get Your Team. It's About Teamwork! Working together with employers, employees, parents, mentors, and educators are key to creating a successful day that strengthens the connection between education and home, between parents and their children.


3. Get Inspired. The most important and most effective way to get the word out about your celebration is to use it in all parts of your school program. Make Project Appleseed's signature event an integral point of reference for all that you do at your school. In this way, all partners will understand how their commitments and their actions contribute to improved student learning and high achievement for all students.


Here are four ways you can make your Parental Involvement Pledge count.

  • Take Pictures

  • Post Your Event to Twitter

  • Call the News Media

  • Our On-Line Press Kit

  • Follow the Day on Facebook

Historic Highlights  

Social Media History

Thank you for celebrating one of the oldest family engagement events in America!

Public School Volunteer Week cannot take place without the support of parents, educators, school boards, sponsors, partners, speakers, staff, and the attendees themselves. Project Appleseed wants to show our gratitude to all those who helped make Public School Volunteer Week a success. Here's a look at hundreds of past events across the country!

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Olympia School Board Applauds 3,000 volunteers

Public School Volunteer Week is being celebrated throughout the Olympia School District Monday, April 17  through Friday, April 21.

Superintendent Patrick Murphy read a proclamation during the April 13 Olympia School Board meeting recognizing April 17-21 as Public School Volunteer Week. The local recognition coincides with both the state and national Public School Volunteer Week.


Murphy recognized OSD Volunteer Coordinator Steve Desselle on behalf of all volunteers throughout the district and thanked him for his work. More than 3,000 parents, students and community members give their time as volunteers in our schools.

The proclamation states in part that volunteers “are an integral part of student learning, play an important role in the education of students and provide a valuable partnership link with our community.” It also states that volunteers “inspire success in students while nurturing and challenging them to extend beyond their reach.”

Thank you, volunteers, for all you do for our schools!

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Oldest Family Events!

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Project Appleseed

520 Melville Avenue | St. Louis, MO, 63130-4505

Phone: (314) 292-9760 | Fax: (314) 725-2319 | @pledgeappleseed

Parents Advocating Challenging Education 

IRS 501 (c)(3) Nonprofit Association


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